الجمعة، سبتمبر ٢٨، ٢٠١٢

طلبة نظرية اقتصادية كلية

طلبة نظرية اقتصادية كلية: إقرأ هذا المقال عن فجوة الناتج


هناك تعليق واحد:

  1. I was re-visualizing the Macro-theory charts we learned with you professor. I finally see how that lesson is applied in real life and how the GDP gap can be derived. The part on asking the Inflation panel about their pricing power combined with the charts of sales being under the natural rate, provides a clear trend of increasing GDP but still below the Natural rate of growth.

    Still the Team from Atlanta ask interesting question about this methodology:
    But here's the rub. If the economy represents a constellation of firms operating at widely varying levels of capacity, from what viewpoint should we consider the economy relative to its potential? Are aggregate measures, like the one provided by the CBO or by our "GDP-weighted" approach, appropriate perspectives? Indeed, given widely varying measures of economic performance across firms and industries, how meaningful is an aggregate assessment of economic slack?

    And Professor mashallah This article has just come out from the oven, how do you manage finding these article in time?
