الأربعاء، يوليو ٢١، ٢٠١٠

حمل هذا الكتاب مجانا

للمهتمين، يمكنك تحميل هذا الكتاب مجانا، اضغط على الرابط. الكتاب عبارة عن تقرير اصدرته London School of Economics، ومحتويات الكتاب هي:

The Future of Finance: The LSE Report

Preface Richard Layard
Chapter 1: What do banks do? Why do credit booms and busts occur and what can public policy do about it?

Adair Turner

Chapter 2: What is the contribution of the financial sector: Miracle or mirage?

Andrew Haldane, Simon Brennan and Vasileios Madouros

Chapter 3: Why are financial markets so inefficient and exploitative – and a suggested remedy

Paul Woolley
Chapter 4: What mix of monetary policy and regulation is best for stabilising the economy?

Sushil Wadhwani

Chapter 5: How should we regulate the financial sector?

Charles Goodhart

Chapter 6: Can we identify bubbles and stabilise the system?

Andrew Smithers

Chapter 7: What framework is best for systemic (macroprudential) policy?
Andrew Large

Chapter 8: Should we have “narrow banking”?

John Kay

Chapter 9: Why and how should we regulate pay in the financial sector?

Martin Wolf
Chapter 10: Will the politics of global moral hazard sink us again?

Peter Boone and Simon Johnson

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